Here are some resources connected to the subject of this blog, food activism and the subsequently emerging senses of identity and community that readers may find helpful.
Bredahl, Lone. "Determinants of Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intentions With Regard to
Genetically Modified Food- Results of a Cross-National Survey." Journal of Consumer Policy 24.1
(2001): 23-61.
In this article, Bredahl seeks to contribute to the research previously done on consumer attitudes towards genetically modified food in some European countries, and ultimately finds that such perceptions are largely based upon national attitudes and self-identification. Readers see how food choices and attitudes interact with and are largely shaped by the self-identification and personalities of individual consumers.
Campbell, Marcia Caton. "Building a Common Table: The Role for Planning in Community Food
Systems." Journal of Planning Education and Research 23.4 (2004): 341-355.
In this piece, Campbell attempts to isolate the various interest groups surrounding the planning aspect of community food systems and explore the ways in which these groups interact in order to pursue their unique motivations. In accordance with the subject of this blog, Campbell highlights how community is formed within these interest groups but also how the pursuit of improved community food systems has the potential to shape the identities of these groups and their members.
Caplan, Pat, ed. Food, Health and Identity. London: Routledge, 1997. Web.
This collection is comprised of various essays exploring the different approaches to identity formation through food purchasing and consumption, both in the private and public spheres. These chapters focus on a wide range of spaces of identity shaping through food, including weddings, the family table, national and transnational living, and urban and rural life. It also includes an examination of different factors behind such food-based identity production, including meat eating, nutritional diseases, and media.
Counihan, Carole M. The Anthropology of Food and Body: Gender, Meaning and Power. New York
and London: Routledge, 1999. Web.
In this book, Carole Counihan discusses how food consumption is directly connected to various types of body perception, as well as eating disorders and gender roles. She explores different consumer interactions with food, from purchasing to cooking to consuming to even thinking about food, in a cross-cultural manner in an attempt to facilitate numerous connections between food and identity formation.
Counihan, Carole M. and Steven L. Kaplan, Eds. Food and Gender: Identity and Power. Amsterdam:
Taylor & Francis, 2005. Web.
The various independent chapters in this collection examine the different ways in which food can impact one's perception of gender, sex and sexuality. These authors discuss how food is political, sexual, spiritual, and cultural, and each of these connections with what we eat shapes a different part of our individual and collective identities.
Fischler, Claude. "Food, Self and Identity." Social Science Information 27.2 (1988): 275-292.
In this article, Claude Fischler highlights the ways in which human identities are shaped by food choices and consumption. Fischler specifically focuses on the connections between the biological and cultural implications of food in terms of identity shaping, as well as how the identity of the individual shapes and is shaped by the collective identity.
Goodman, David and E. Melanie DuPuis. "Knowing Food and Growing Food: Beyond the
Production-Consumption Debate in the Sociology of Agriculture."Sociologica Ruralis 42.1 (2002):
Goodman and DuPuis examine the asymmetry that has developed in favor of production in the production-consumption binary over the course of the last decade, and specifically focus on the politics of organic food production in relation to its opponent, agribusiness. They raise important questions surrounding how food production has become political, and highlight the potential in furthering producer-consumer relations.
Hinrichs, C. Clare. "The Practice and Politics of Food System Localization." Journal of Rural Studies
19.1 (2003): 33-45.
This article challenges the concept of 'local' as it stands in opposition to globalization, arguing that the benefits desired from such a transition in place of the production and consumption of food do not fit neatly within the boundaries of the 'local.' Hinrichs also discusses how the use of the 'local' model for food consumption creates communities within certain bounds, but has an 'other-ing' effect on all those not clearly residing within such limits of the 'local.'
Lockie, Stewart. "'The Invisible Mouth': Mobilizing 'the Consumer' in Food Production-Consumption
Networks."Journal of the European Society for Rural Sociology 42.4 (2002): 278-294.
Lockie describes how the rise of corporation-driven agriculture has widened the gap between food production and consumption, especially in academia and the world of sociology. He connects this distancing mechanism with its effects on consumers, and subsequently how such a divide impacts their self-identification as consumers of food whose origin they often times do not know.
Michaelidou, Nina and Louise M. Hassan. "The Role of Health Consciousness, Food Safety Concern
and Ethical Identity on Attitudes and Intentions Towards Organic Food." International Journal of
Consumer Studies 32.2 (2008): 163-170.
Michaelidou and Hassan explore the ways in which the factors of food safety and health consciousness independently influence consumer choices when buying food, notably within the context of organic food. They specifically point to consumer self-identity as a strong determining factor in choosing to purchase organic food.
Moisio, Risto, Eric Arnould and Linda Price. "Between Mothers and Markets: Constructing Family
Identity Through Homemade Food." Journal of Consumer Culture 4.3 (2004): 361-384.
These authors attempt to convey how the decision to consume homemade food affects both individual and familial identities in relation to those shaped by the consumption of market-produced meals. This article explores the social relationships formed through the consumption of homemade food, as well as how decisions about what to eat have the potential to drastically shape one's identity.
Moore, Natalie. "Food Activist: Do more than 'vote with your fork.'" WBEZ 91.5, 29 July 2011.
In this short article, Moore explores the ways in which one can use food choices and consumer consciousness to be an active citizen beyond the individual level. While many believe that their dietary choices have political power, this article encourages opinionated eaters and food activists to extend their passion for food to levels beyond their individual choices. That way, consumers are utilizing this interest in order to both shape their individual identities and build community among those with similar beliefs.
Nukaga, Misako. "The Underlife of Kids' School Lunchtime: Negotiating Ethnic Boundaries and
Identity in Food Exchange." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 37.3 (2008): 342-380.
This fascinating article describes research on identity formation and subsequently the defining of ethnic group boundaries by children in school cafeterias. Nukaga challenges the notion that identity formation through food consumption and choice is universal and linear across all children of different ethnicities, and reasserts the importance of food as both a producer and reinforcer of individual identity.
Orth, Ulrich and Zuzana Firbasova. "The Role of Consumer Ethnocentrism in Food Product
Evaluation." Agribusiness 19.2 (2003): 137-153.
Orth and Firbasova convey in this article how the attitudes and identities with which consumers approach food purchasing and consumption directly affects their conscious choices to consume foreign or domestic goods. They argue that consumer ethnocentrism as a bias plays a crucial role in determining how consumers will choose the nation from which their food originates, which reinforces certain aspects of their identities.
Smith, Christopher M. and Hilda E. Kurtz. "Community Gardens and the Politics of Scale in New
York City." Geographical Review 93.2 (2003): 193-212.
This article is relevant to the discussion of how food activism successfully shapes and contributes to new senses of identity and community by exploring the various contestations around community gardens in NYC. The reader is illuminated to the communities formed by both sides of these arguments, or rather on both sides of the garden fences.
Sparks, Paul and Richard Shepherd. "Self Identity and Theory of Planned Behavior: Assessing the
Role of Identification with 'Green Consumerism.'" Social Psychology Quarterly 55.4 (1992): 388-
In this piece, Sparks and Shepherd discuss the prominent effects of identity and attitudes on consumer choices. They specifically engage in the topic of organic vegetable consumption, in stating that the attitudes with which consumers approached the opportunity to purchase organic vegetables had significant bearing on their future perception of such goods.
Weatherell, Charlotte and Angela Tregear. "In Search of the Concerned Consumer: UK Public
Perceptions of Food, Farming and Buying Local."Journal of Rural Studies 19.2 (2003): 233-244.
As its title suggests, this article seeks to fill a perceived gap in research by surveying UK consumers regarding their perceptions of consuming local food as opposed to the mass-produced food put forth by major corporations. The results of such research reveals how consumers see themselves and what factors they prioritize when deciding whether or not to consume locally produced food items.
Bredahl, Lone. "Determinants of Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intentions With Regard to
Genetically Modified Food- Results of a Cross-National Survey." Journal of Consumer Policy 24.1
(2001): 23-61.
In this article, Bredahl seeks to contribute to the research previously done on consumer attitudes towards genetically modified food in some European countries, and ultimately finds that such perceptions are largely based upon national attitudes and self-identification. Readers see how food choices and attitudes interact with and are largely shaped by the self-identification and personalities of individual consumers.
Campbell, Marcia Caton. "Building a Common Table: The Role for Planning in Community Food
Systems." Journal of Planning Education and Research 23.4 (2004): 341-355.
In this piece, Campbell attempts to isolate the various interest groups surrounding the planning aspect of community food systems and explore the ways in which these groups interact in order to pursue their unique motivations. In accordance with the subject of this blog, Campbell highlights how community is formed within these interest groups but also how the pursuit of improved community food systems has the potential to shape the identities of these groups and their members.
Caplan, Pat, ed. Food, Health and Identity. London: Routledge, 1997. Web.
This collection is comprised of various essays exploring the different approaches to identity formation through food purchasing and consumption, both in the private and public spheres. These chapters focus on a wide range of spaces of identity shaping through food, including weddings, the family table, national and transnational living, and urban and rural life. It also includes an examination of different factors behind such food-based identity production, including meat eating, nutritional diseases, and media.
Counihan, Carole M. The Anthropology of Food and Body: Gender, Meaning and Power. New York
and London: Routledge, 1999. Web.
In this book, Carole Counihan discusses how food consumption is directly connected to various types of body perception, as well as eating disorders and gender roles. She explores different consumer interactions with food, from purchasing to cooking to consuming to even thinking about food, in a cross-cultural manner in an attempt to facilitate numerous connections between food and identity formation.
Counihan, Carole M. and Steven L. Kaplan, Eds. Food and Gender: Identity and Power. Amsterdam:
Taylor & Francis, 2005. Web.
The various independent chapters in this collection examine the different ways in which food can impact one's perception of gender, sex and sexuality. These authors discuss how food is political, sexual, spiritual, and cultural, and each of these connections with what we eat shapes a different part of our individual and collective identities.
Fischler, Claude. "Food, Self and Identity." Social Science Information 27.2 (1988): 275-292.
In this article, Claude Fischler highlights the ways in which human identities are shaped by food choices and consumption. Fischler specifically focuses on the connections between the biological and cultural implications of food in terms of identity shaping, as well as how the identity of the individual shapes and is shaped by the collective identity.
Goodman, David and E. Melanie DuPuis. "Knowing Food and Growing Food: Beyond the
Production-Consumption Debate in the Sociology of Agriculture."Sociologica Ruralis 42.1 (2002):
Goodman and DuPuis examine the asymmetry that has developed in favor of production in the production-consumption binary over the course of the last decade, and specifically focus on the politics of organic food production in relation to its opponent, agribusiness. They raise important questions surrounding how food production has become political, and highlight the potential in furthering producer-consumer relations.
Hinrichs, C. Clare. "The Practice and Politics of Food System Localization." Journal of Rural Studies
19.1 (2003): 33-45.
This article challenges the concept of 'local' as it stands in opposition to globalization, arguing that the benefits desired from such a transition in place of the production and consumption of food do not fit neatly within the boundaries of the 'local.' Hinrichs also discusses how the use of the 'local' model for food consumption creates communities within certain bounds, but has an 'other-ing' effect on all those not clearly residing within such limits of the 'local.'
Lockie, Stewart. "'The Invisible Mouth': Mobilizing 'the Consumer' in Food Production-Consumption
Networks."Journal of the European Society for Rural Sociology 42.4 (2002): 278-294.
Lockie describes how the rise of corporation-driven agriculture has widened the gap between food production and consumption, especially in academia and the world of sociology. He connects this distancing mechanism with its effects on consumers, and subsequently how such a divide impacts their self-identification as consumers of food whose origin they often times do not know.
Michaelidou, Nina and Louise M. Hassan. "The Role of Health Consciousness, Food Safety Concern
and Ethical Identity on Attitudes and Intentions Towards Organic Food." International Journal of
Consumer Studies 32.2 (2008): 163-170.
Michaelidou and Hassan explore the ways in which the factors of food safety and health consciousness independently influence consumer choices when buying food, notably within the context of organic food. They specifically point to consumer self-identity as a strong determining factor in choosing to purchase organic food.
Moisio, Risto, Eric Arnould and Linda Price. "Between Mothers and Markets: Constructing Family
Identity Through Homemade Food." Journal of Consumer Culture 4.3 (2004): 361-384.
These authors attempt to convey how the decision to consume homemade food affects both individual and familial identities in relation to those shaped by the consumption of market-produced meals. This article explores the social relationships formed through the consumption of homemade food, as well as how decisions about what to eat have the potential to drastically shape one's identity.
Moore, Natalie. "Food Activist: Do more than 'vote with your fork.'" WBEZ 91.5, 29 July 2011.
In this short article, Moore explores the ways in which one can use food choices and consumer consciousness to be an active citizen beyond the individual level. While many believe that their dietary choices have political power, this article encourages opinionated eaters and food activists to extend their passion for food to levels beyond their individual choices. That way, consumers are utilizing this interest in order to both shape their individual identities and build community among those with similar beliefs.
Nukaga, Misako. "The Underlife of Kids' School Lunchtime: Negotiating Ethnic Boundaries and
Identity in Food Exchange." Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 37.3 (2008): 342-380.
This fascinating article describes research on identity formation and subsequently the defining of ethnic group boundaries by children in school cafeterias. Nukaga challenges the notion that identity formation through food consumption and choice is universal and linear across all children of different ethnicities, and reasserts the importance of food as both a producer and reinforcer of individual identity.
Orth, Ulrich and Zuzana Firbasova. "The Role of Consumer Ethnocentrism in Food Product
Evaluation." Agribusiness 19.2 (2003): 137-153.
Orth and Firbasova convey in this article how the attitudes and identities with which consumers approach food purchasing and consumption directly affects their conscious choices to consume foreign or domestic goods. They argue that consumer ethnocentrism as a bias plays a crucial role in determining how consumers will choose the nation from which their food originates, which reinforces certain aspects of their identities.
Smith, Christopher M. and Hilda E. Kurtz. "Community Gardens and the Politics of Scale in New
York City." Geographical Review 93.2 (2003): 193-212.
This article is relevant to the discussion of how food activism successfully shapes and contributes to new senses of identity and community by exploring the various contestations around community gardens in NYC. The reader is illuminated to the communities formed by both sides of these arguments, or rather on both sides of the garden fences.
Sparks, Paul and Richard Shepherd. "Self Identity and Theory of Planned Behavior: Assessing the
Role of Identification with 'Green Consumerism.'" Social Psychology Quarterly 55.4 (1992): 388-
In this piece, Sparks and Shepherd discuss the prominent effects of identity and attitudes on consumer choices. They specifically engage in the topic of organic vegetable consumption, in stating that the attitudes with which consumers approached the opportunity to purchase organic vegetables had significant bearing on their future perception of such goods.
Weatherell, Charlotte and Angela Tregear. "In Search of the Concerned Consumer: UK Public
Perceptions of Food, Farming and Buying Local."Journal of Rural Studies 19.2 (2003): 233-244.
As its title suggests, this article seeks to fill a perceived gap in research by surveying UK consumers regarding their perceptions of consuming local food as opposed to the mass-produced food put forth by major corporations. The results of such research reveals how consumers see themselves and what factors they prioritize when deciding whether or not to consume locally produced food items.
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